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AeroInsta v17.0.1 - Light Tone

Download Instgram Mod: InstaAero v17.0.1 Light Tone APK Latest Version


Instagram Aero

Themes: Light Tone
Version: v17.0.1
Based on:
Variant: Clone/Unclone
File Size: 53MB
Features: Special Menu and Privacy
Developer: Hazar Bozkurt

Changelog: v17.0.1

  • Base updated to version.
  • Added new fonts to >>Typewritter font>> (AeroInsta Settings 》 Stories 》 Typewritter font).
  • New comment translate/copy system (Thanks to Omvir S. - Instax).
  • Improved - more stable ad blocker
  • Other minor fixes and optimizations..

Names of newly added fonts:

  1. Abduction Small
  2. Annabelle
  3. Arial RB
  4. Bimini Bold
  5. Century Gothic
  6. Champagne And Limousines Bold
  7. Champagne Limousines
  8. Euroference Bold
  9. Hearts
  10. Laneposh
  11. Laneposh Bold
  12. Mungballs
  13. Neuropol Bold
  14. Neutrademisc
  15. Neutrademisc Bold
  16. Opificio Bold
  17. Patron
  18. ScrapItUp
  19. ScrapoHolic
  20. Sharpee
  21. Unlearned

Choose Variant Type:

There are 2 versions of the application, the original/unclone and the clone.
  1. UNCLONE/ Original
    • You have to remove the Original Instagram application from your device to install this package. It supports integration with other apps.
  2. CLONE
    • You don't need to remove the Original Instagram application from your device to install this package. It has a different icon and application name.
AeroInsta v17.0.1 Light Tone
AeroInsta v17.0.1 - Light Tone

Download Area AeroInsta v17.0.1 Light Tone Apk

  1. Package 1: UNCLONE (
  2. Package 2: CLONE (

  1. Package 1: UNCLONE (
  2. Package 2: CLONE (